Entrance to Nao Vigía (from 4 years old). Does not include entrance to Isla Mágica. Check conditions at globodesevilla.com. Flight subject to weather conditions. Valid for 2 years from the date of access.
Sube hasta 150 metros y disfruta de las excepcionales vistas panorámicas de Sevilla en una aventura en globo cautivo. Validez de las entradas: hasta 2 años desde la fecha de compra. Entradas no reembolsables.
Entrance to Nao Vigía (from 4 years old). Does not include entrance to Isla Mágica. Check conditions at globodesevilla.com. Flight subject to weather conditions. Valid for 2 years from the date of access.
Entrance to Nao Vigía (from 4 years old). Does not include entrance to Isla Mágica. Check conditions at globodesevilla.com. Flight subject to weather conditions. Valid for 2 years from the date of access. This ticket gives access to 3 people on the same day and at the same time.
Entrance to Nao Vigía (from 4 years old). Does not include entrance to Isla Mágica. Check conditions at globodesevilla.com. Flight subject to weather conditions. Valid for 2 years from the date of access. Admission price per person for people born or resident in Seville (capital and province), it will be necessary to be accredited at the entrance of the park with ID card or valid identity document as born or resident in Seville.